Cardiology Conference: Stress and The Heart: Unveiling the Complexities of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

Presentor: Dr. Christina Angela Dimatatac, Moderator: Dr. Jonah Amora and Reactor: Dr. Rochelle Regina Cruz at Demetrio Africa Assembly Hall.



Presentor: Dr. Jim Albert Perlas, First Year Adult Cardiology Fellow, Moderator: Dr. Reyia Joie Enero and Reactors: Dr. Michelle Fernandez and Dr. Richmond Reyes at Demetrio Africa Assembly Hall.
Presentor: Dr. Karen Joie Lajo, First Year Adult Cardiology Fellow, Moderator: Dr. Josephine Dionisio and Reactors: Dr. Regidor Encabo and Dr. Ariel Miranda at Demetrio Africa Assembly Hall.
Presentor: Dr. Johara Marie Du, First Year Adult Cardiology Fellow, Moderator: Dr. Regidor Encabo and Reactors: Dr. Michael Dela Cruz, Dr. Lorielle Galvez and Dr. Marvin Martinez at Demetrio Africa Assembly Hall.